Thursday, December 18, 2008

Arrested Development?

I first watched Arrested Development when it came on TBS or somthing like that. I watched 3 mabey 4 episodes and I thought there is something to this. My wife also expressed an interest in seing more. So I decided to get the seasons and we would watch 1 or 2 episodes a nite, yeah right. We got so hooked on the Bluth family we would watch 5 or 6 per nite, we were not thinking about the fact there were only so many episodes and we were going to run out. We were just to high on the show to realize, and like any good buzz we came crashing down.

This was an awsome series and if only it had ran longer. There has been some internet rumors about a big screen adaptation, one last blast for the fans.

Alisia Shawcat had this to say in a recent interview:
"I think it's gonna happen. They're writing the script right now, supposedly. But, you know, Mitch talked to all the actors and they are all in; Everyone wants to be a part of it."

She shared a few more details in this Teen Flare interview:
"With the publicity of Juno, Jason Bateman started spewing rumours that there was going to be a movie. When we wrapped, [Jason] said, ‘watch I’m going to make sure a movie happens’. He’s just like the best advocate for Arrested – as everyone is. But he really just created a rumour, which now may be starting the actual production of it. Mitch [Hurwitz, the creator] spoke to everyone to make sure they were all on board and everyone is, so I think they’re going forward with it. Ron Howard is down to [direct] it, so I think Mitch just has to write the script…"

This show has became a cult classic for many, myself included. I think Fox is shooting themselves for letting this one go but mabey it's the fact that it went away that it became more interesting to peolpe. Who knows? Let's keep our fingers crossed on the movie.

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