Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Dark Night

Well lets see, I watched The Dark Knight I think 4 times. And yes I do think thats a bit ridiculous.
1) The first time I went to the IMAX, I sat in the middle two or three rows up from the metal rail. I think it is the accoustic "sweet spot", the audio was so thunderous and crisp there. It was very immersive.
2) I went to see it at another theater and it wasn't near the same experience.
3)Then going back to the IMAX I sat near the back wall in the middle and the audio was missing alot of what I remembered from the first outing, I would hear some sounds from the back speakers and others were faint from the front.
4) I had a coupon for half off so you know I HAD to go, right? I sat in my "sweet spot" and the experience was back.
One of the reasons I think I went so many times was this 1st experience, I was trying to capture that again.
I think this was the best movie I have ever seen. Heath Ledger . . . Wow need I say more? The darker more mature tone of the movie I think plays to my age group and I mean Ledger's Joker vs. Arnold's Mr. Freeze. They are not even in the same realm.
I would expect with movie filming technologies and techniques ever progressing forward that movies (i'm talking about audio/video not the scripts) should alway surpass the last. But its going to be awhile until a movie can surpass this for me.

Of course the Watchmen trailer attached to the film didn't hurt my desire to see it, but thats another post and I won't get into it.

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